These music suggestions are appropriate for use throughout the time after Epiphany and may be repeated from week to week.
Congregational Song for the Time after Epiphany
A change in liturgical seasons creates opportunities to use congregational responses unique to the season and to repeat liturgical responses set to new and different music. Following are suggestions for use during the time after Epiphany.
Be Still and Know That I Am God GTG 414
Healer of Our Every Ill GTG 795 (refrain; stanzas could be used in different ways)
Kyrie eleison, Señor, ten piedad / Kyrie eleison, Show Mercy, O Lord SSS 521
Make Your Face to Shine / Haz resplandecer tu rostro GTG 811, SSS 514
The Lord Is My Light GTG 842
Amen, We Praise Your Name / Amen siakudumisa GTG 598
I Depend Upon Your Faithfulness / Tu fidelidad GTG 831, SSS 40
I Will Do a New Thing AAHH 568
Know That God Is Good GTG 659
Praise to God the Father / Da n’ase GTG 605
Prayer for Illumination
Listen, God Is Calling GTG 456
Open the Eyes of My Heart GTG 452
Over My Head AAHH 169
Thy Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet GTG 458
Anthems for Children’s Choirs for the Time after Epiphany
“All God’s Children,” Baker Lawrimore, CGA, uni or 2 pt, pno (ME)
“Come Be the Light,” Mark Patterson, CGA, uni, opt 2 pt, hb (ME)
“Come to the Mountain,” Pamela L. Hughes, LifeSongs, AF, uni, pno (E)
“Do Unto Others (The Golden Rule),” Vicki Hancock Wright, CGA, uni, opt rhythm sticks (E)
“I Will Show You the Way,” Toni Sullivan, CGA, uni, pno (E)
“Light of the World,” from Singing the Seasons, Michael Bedford, CGA, keybd (E)
“Miracle on the Sea,” Lynn S. Bailey, Becki S. Mayo, CGA, uni, pno (E)
“Shine Your Light,” Terry D. Taylor, CGA, 3 anthem collection, uni, opt 2 pt, pno (E)
“With One Heart,” Mark Patterson, CGA, uni, opt fl, keybd (M)
Anthems for Youth Choirs for the Time after Epiphany
“I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light,” Benjamin Harlan, JM, SAB, pno, opt fl (ME)
“Ubi Caritas,” Victor Johnson, CGA, SAB, pno (ME)
“Shalom,” Dan Forrest, BP, 2 pt, pno (ME)
“Gather by the River to Pray,” Pepper Choplin, LOR, SAB, pno (M)
“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need,” arr. Gerald Custer, LOR, SAB, org (M)
“With All My Heart,” arr. Lloyd Larson, JM, 2 pt, pno (E)
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” David Kidwell, LOR, SAB, pno (M)
“The Gift of Love,” arr. Hal H. Hopson, HOPE, 2 pt, pno, opt vln (E)
Handbell Music for the Time after Epiphany
“Shall We Gather at the River,” arr. Margaret R. Tucker, 3–5 oct, opt hc, CGA, CGB298, Level 2
“Wade in the Water,” arr. Anna Laura Page, 3 oct, CGA, CGB1104, Level 2+
Vocal Solos for the Time after Epiphany
“I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light,” Tom Trenney, Pavane Publishing (MA)
“This Little Light o’ Mine,” John Work, GMC (E)
“Ev’ry Time I Feel de Spirit,” The Spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh, Harry Burleigh, ALF (M)
“An Instrument of Thy Peace,” Sacred Songs, vol. 2, Gwyneth Walker, ECS (M)
“How Beautiful Are the Feet,” Messiah, G. F. Handel, various, soprano (MA)
“New Wine,” Brooke Ligertwood, musicnotes.com (M)
“Here I Am, Lord,” Sacred Solos of Craig Courtney, Craig Courtney, BP (ME)
“Blessings,” Laura Story, musicnotes.com (M)