These music suggestions are appropriate for use throughout the Time after Epiphany and may be repeated from week to week.
Congregational Song for the Time after Epiphany
A change in liturgical seasons creates opportunities for congregational responses unique to the season as well as experiences of ongoing liturgical moments and responses set to new and different music. Following are suggestions for use during the Time after Epiphany:
Sung Call to Confession
- Lord Jesus, Think on Me (verse 1) GTG 417; PH 301
- Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling (verse 3) GTG 418
- Have Mercy, God, upon My Life (verse 1) GTG 421
- Jesus Knows the Inmost Heart (refrain) GTG 427
Sung Response to Forgiveness
- God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us (v. 3) GTG 436; PH 261
- There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (verse 2) GTG 435; PH 298
- O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer (verse 3) GTG 439; PH 223
- We Are Forgiven GTG 447
Sung Invitation to Prayer (Prayers of the People)
- Come and Fill Our Hearts GTG 466; STF 2157; LUYH 528
- Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying GTG 469; STF 2193; LUYH 896
- Bless the Lord GTG 544; STF 2013
- Live in Charity GTG 205; STF 2179
Anthems for Children’s Choirs for the Time after Epiphany
- “Come One, Come All, Come Follow,” Phillip Dietterich, CGA, uni, pno (E)
- “Come to Me,” Margaret Tucker, CGA, uni/2 pt, pno, fl (M*MA)
- “The Lord Is My Light,” Michael Bedford, CGA uni/2 pt, pno, fl (E*M)
- “Nets of Love,” F. Thomas Simpson, CGA, uni/2 pt, pno (E*A)
- “What Does the Lord Require?,” Mark Burrows, CGA, uni/2 pt, pno (E*M)
- “With the Help of the Spirit of the Lord,” Jayne Southwick Cool, CGA, uni/2 pt, pno (E*ME)
Transfiguration of the Lord
- “I Will Sing,” Robert Townsend, HAL, 2 pt/3 pt, pno, sb (A)
Anthems for Youth Choirs for the Time after Epiphany
- “Jesus Christ the Apple Tree,” Mark Patterson, CGA, SATB, pno (M)
- “From the Apple in the Garden,” Roy Hopp, AF, SATB, pno (MD)
- “Jubilate Deo,” Dan Edwards, CGA, 3 pt mx, pno (M)
- “O Praise the Mighty Lord,” G. F. Handel, CF, SATB, keybd (MD)
- “Yesi Azali (Jesus IS Here with Us),” Mark Burrows, CGA, SATB, perc (ME)
- “O For a Thousand Tongues,” Mark Patterson, CGA, SATB, pno (MD)
- “Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing,” Kenneth T. Kosche, CGA, 3 pt mx, pno (M)
- “Sanctus No. III,” J. S. Bach, HIN, SATB, pno (MD)
- “Take Me to the Water,” Rollo Dilworth, HAL, SATB, pno (MD)
- “Beside a Stream of Living Water,” Thomas Keesecker, CGA, SATB, pno (M)
- “Serve the Lord with Gladness,” Rollo Dilworth, HAL, SATB, pno (MD)
- “Abide with Me,” Brian Hanson, CGA, 3 pt mx, pno (M)
Piano Music for the Time after Epiphany
- “Be Thou My Vision,” SLANE, Endless Song: Accessible Piano Settings, Jerry van der Pol, AF (E)
- “Cantad al Señor,” CANTAD AL SEÑOR, For the Care of the Earth: Hymn Reflections for Piano, Nicholas Palmer, MSM (MA)
- “Christ, Be Our Light,” CHRIST, BE OUR LIGHT, Piano Impressions II for Worship, Marianne Kim, HOPE (M)
- “Fairest Lord Jesus,” SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU, Fairest Lord Jesus: Piano Music for Worship, Michael Larkin, MSM (ME)
- “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” FAITHFULNESS, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing: 12 Hymn Settings for Piano, Timothy Shaw, MSM (M)
- “He Comes to Us as One Unknown,” REPTON, The Quiet Heart: Piano Music for Comfort and Healing, Thomas Keesecker, MSM (M)
- “Light Dawns on a Weary World,” TEMPLE OF PEACE, Chorale Preludes for Piano in Traditional Styles, Aaron David Miller, AF (M)\
- “Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song,” LES PETITES SOEURS, Piano Reflections on Hymns of Healing, Anne Krentz Organ, AF (ME)
- “O God beyond All Praising,” THAXTED, Hymn Tune Masters for Piano, Jacob B. Weber, CON (MA)
- “What God Ordains Is Always Good,” WAS GOTT TUT, Illuminations, Volume 3, Dan Forrest, BP (M)
Vocal Solos for the Time after Epiphany
- “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” . . . still all my song shall be, Tom Trenney, MSM (M)
- “Be Thou My Vision,” Oxford Solo Songs: Sacred, Bob Chilcott (M)
- “Offertory,” Sacred Songs of John Ness Beck, John Ness Beck, BP (E)
- “The Lord Is My Light,” First Book of Tenor Solos, Oley Speaks (E)