The Time after Epiphany / Ordinary Time – Liturgy – 58.1

These liturgical texts are appropriate for use throughout the time after Epiphany and may be repeated from week to week.

Sequence of Confession and Lament

Lord Jesus Christ,
you are always arriving in our world.
You are always appearing in our midst.
You are always making your ways
and your will known among your people.
Forgive us for remaining distracted
and dissatisfied.
Forgive us for filling our lives
with clutter and noise.
Forgive us for failing to heed your call.
Help us in this season
to remain alert and attentive, 
that we might not miss your invitations 
for and among us.

The One who formed us and keeps us in love
is compassionate toward God’s children. 
Rest in this promise:
As far as the east is from the west,
so far has God removed your sins from you.
Receive the gift of holy compassion
this day. Amen.

Invitation to Discipleship

Adapted from A Brief Statement of Faith
In the season of Epiphany
we remember the waters of baptism
that claim us and remind us
that in life and death, we belong to God.
We remember that, in our call
to a broken and fearful world,
the Spirit gives us courage
to pray without ceasing,
to witness among all peoples,
to unmask idolatries,
to hear the voices of peoples long silenced,
and to work for justice, freedom, and peace
as we watch for God’s new heaven
and new earth together. Amen. 


Invitation to the Table
Siblings in the community of creation,
this is the holy feast
of the people of Creator God.
In this season of Epiphany,
we remember that the same Christ
who was born for us
and made known among us
has broken every barrier
that would keep us from his presence. 
Christ offers daily grace and nourishment
for all who need it. 
So come, all who are hungry,
all who are yearning,
all who are able to recognize their need.
Come to this table to feast together. 

Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts!
We lift them up to God.
Let us give thanks to God,
who appears in our midst.
To the One who welcomes us
to the table,
we give thanks and praise.

We give you thanks and praise, O God,
because your love
is always arriving among us. 
You have heard the cries of the oppressed, rescued the captive, restored the exile,
healed the sick, fed the hungry,
and mended the brokenhearted. 
You keep showing up in power and love 
for our world in need of healing.
By your Spirit, you remain at work among us, instilling hope, and bringing healing,
that justice may come on earth. 
We lift our hearts in joyful praise and join our voices with believers from every time and place, singing your glory:
Holy, holy, holy one,
God of justice and love,
Word made flesh
and born among us!
Heaven and earth
are full of your wonder. 

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us 
and upon these elements,
that our eyes may be opened 
and our spirits softened, 
that our hearts might burn within us
as you offer this bread
and cup among us. Amen. 

Prayer after Communion 
Thank you, O Christ, for this feast of life,
reminders of your presence
that linger in our bodies
and ignite our spirits.
Remind us today that your love feeds us 
and your life strengthens us.
Commission us now 
to feed as we have been fed,
to forgive as we have been forgiven,
to love as we have been loved,
and to live as the church
that Christ dreamed of. 
Thanks be to God. Amen.