September 15, 2024 – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost / Proper 19

Lectionary Readings   -   Gathering   -  Word  -   Eucharist   -   Sending   -   Music and Art

Lectionary Readings


Proverbs 1:20–33
Wisdom cries out in the street: Ignore my word at your peril.

Psalm 19
The heavens declare God’s glory; the law of the Lord is good.


Isaiah 50:4–9a
God has given me the tongue of a teacher, to sustain the weary.

Psalm 116:1–9
Lord, you deliver me from death, from weeping, from stumbling.

James 3:1–12
Words have the power to bless and curse; use them wisely.

Mark 8:27–38
Jesus says: You must take up the cross if you want to follow me.

— Gathering —

Opening Sentences

We have been gathered in this place for this time,
that we might hear the good news
we can’t help but share.
On this day and each one to come,
may the words of our mouths, the meditations of our hearts, and the actions of our lives proclaim our faith.

Prayer of the Day

Holy God,
your wisdom cries out in the streets
and your grace whispers in the wind.
You speak to us in many ways.
Help us to hear you
in the carbonated laughter of a child
and in weary sighs too deep for words.
As you speak to us,
let us speak of you,
sharing what we believe with our words
and our whole lives. Amen.

Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song

Thanksgiving For Baptism

At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

O Lord our God, we give you thanks
for the grace that is at work in us
through the gift of our baptism—
the sign of your threefold name,
the communion of your faithful people,
the promise of your glorious realm.
By the power of your Holy Spirit,
poured out upon us in baptism,
let your grace and peace grow in us,
until we gather at your heavenly throne
to give you thanks and praise forever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Confession and Pardon

At the baptismal font:
It is only by the power of God
that we are able to stand against evil.

Trusting in God’s grace, let us confess our sin.

O Lord, you have called us to take up our cross and follow you:
to carry the truth of your justice like a banner
and bear the yoke of life as your servant.
We are hesitant, O God, to serve anyone but ourselves.
We draw away from the imagery of the cross,
forgetting that, in you, it has become a source of glory.
Forgive us, O God, and call us once more
to set aside our selfishness and follow in your way.

Lifting water from the font:
Now stand firm in your faith,
covered by the saving grace of God
and ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
Thanks be to God.

— Word —

Prayer for Illumination

At the lectern or pulpit:
Faithful God, how blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Sanctify us by your Word and Spirit
so that we may glorify you
in the company of the faithful;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Before the readings:
The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
Listen to the word of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 6:4

After the readings:
Keep these words in your heart.
The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
Thanks be to God.
Deuteronomy 6:6


Ascription of Praise

After the sermon:
To the Lord our God, Alpha and Omega,
be all glory and honor forever. Amen.
Revelation 21:6

Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song

Affirmation of Faith

Time after Pentecost
The life, death, resurrection,
and promised coming of Jesus Christ
has set the pattern for the church’s mission.
His human life involves the church
in the common life of all people.
His service to men and women
commits the church
to work for every form of human well-being.
His suffering makes the church sensitive
to all human suffering
so that it sees the face of Christ
in the faces of persons in every kind of need.
His crucifixion discloses to the church
God’s judgment on the inhumanity
that marks human relations,
and the awful consequences
of the church’s own complicity in injustice.
In the power of the risen Christ
and the hope of his coming,
the church sees the promise
of God’s renewal of human life in society
and of God’s victory over all wrong.
The church follows this pattern
in the form of its life
and in the method of its action.
So to live and serve
is to confess Christ as Lord.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.32–33

Prayers of the People

In our trouble and need, we look to the Lord,
the giver of our daily bread, saying:
God of abundant grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for the church . . .
Strengthen us to follow Christ more faithfully,
denying ourselves, taking up his cross,
and devoting our lives to your glory.
God of abundant grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for the world . . .
Help us all to heed your voice of wisdom,
calling out for compassion and peace,
for righteousness and justice on earth.
God of abundant grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for this community . . .
Let our words be a blessing, not a curse;
put out the fires of destructive gossip
and dispel the poison of venomous rhetoric.
God of abundant grace, hear our prayer.

We pray for loved ones . . .
Hear the cries of those who call on your name;
deliver them from the entanglements of death
so that they may walk again in the land of the living.
God of abundant grace, hear our prayer.

Generous God, as you provide for us each day,
nourish and strengthen us in faith and faithfulness,
so that we may share your grace in a hungry world;
through Jesus Christ, the bread of life. Amen.

— Eucharist —

Invitation to Offering

At the communion table:
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,
to present yourselves as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1

Prayer of Dedication

At the communion table:
We give you thanks and praise, O God,
for you have chosen the poverty of the world
to make your people rich in faith.
Help us to put our faith into practice
through the offering of our lives—
giving food to the hungry,
clothes to the naked,
and shelter to the poor;
all for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord,
your Word made flesh. Amen.
James 2:5, 14–17

Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
Your word of wisdom is our teacher,
sustaining us in our times of trouble
and calling us to return to you in truth.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.

Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Jesus lived and died and rose again to save us;
now he calls us to take up the cross and follow him,
offering our lives for the sake of the gospel.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation (e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Teach us to live as Christ’s body in the world,
proclaiming your grace in word and action,
and, with one voice, blessing your holy name.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.

Lord’s Prayer

Breaking the Bread

Communion of the People

Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song

Prayer after Communion

At the communion table:
God of glory, in this holy feast
you have made us one with Christ
and with that great multitude of the faithful—
those who hunger and thirst no more
and worship night and day in your temple.
Lead us in the paths of righteousness
and guide us to the springs of the water of life,
until we join the choir of the redeemed,
singing: Salvation belongs to our God
who is seated on the throne,
and to the Lamb: Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

— Sending —

Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song


Blessing and Charge

At the doors of the church:
The blessing of the one God—
Spirit, Son, and Father—
be with you now and always. Alleluia!
Ephesians 4:4–6

Lead a life worthy of your calling,
giving glory to God in all things. Amen.
Ephesians 4:1

Lucy Higgs Union Civil War Nurse

Kathy Grant, 2013

Additional Materials

Congregational Song


  • Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom (O) MADELEINE GTG 174
  • I Danced in the Morning (G) LORD OF THE DANCE GTG 157
  • Open Your Ears, O Faithful People (O) YISRAEL V’ORAITA GTG 453
  • Wisdom Cries Out in the Streets (O) WISDOM CRIES Chris Shelton, Sing No Empty Alleluias, p. 148 GIA


  • Give to the Winds Thy Fears (E) FESTAL SONG GTG 815
  • Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song (E) LES PETITES SOEURS GTG 737
  • Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak (O) CANONBURY GTG 722
  • Listen to the Word That God Has Spoken (O) LISTEN GTG 455


  • Come, Let Us Eat (G) A VA DE GTG 528
  • In Remembrance of Me (G) RED GTG 521
  • Your Only Son/Lamb of God (G) LAMB OF GOD GTG 518
  • Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ (G) LINSTEAD GTG 526


  • O Jesus, I Have Promised (G) ANGEL’S STORY GTG 724 NYLAND GTG 725
  • Take My Life and Let It Be (OEG) HENDON GTG 697
  • Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said (OEG) BOURBON GTG 718
  • Will You Come and Follow Me (EG) KELVINGROVE GTG 726

Psalms and Canticles

Psalm 19

  • God’s Glory Fills the Heavens [ST. PATRICK, CREATION]; GTG 690, PAS 19B, LUYH 719
  • The Stars Declare His Glory [DEERFIELD]; PAS 19A
  • Silent Voices [SILENT VOICES]; PAS 19F
  • Through the Witness of Creation; PAS 19C
  • Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life; PFTS2 44
  • Lord, You Have the Words; PP 32

Psalm 116:1–9

  • I Love the Lord, Who (He) Heard My Cry [I LOVE THE LORD]; GTG 799, PH 362, PAS 116C, LUYH 439, SSS 343 (with Spanish translation)
  • I Love You, Lord [GENEVAN 116]; PAS 116A, LUYH 735
  • We Love You Lord [CMD]; SGP 170
  • I Love the Lord Because He Heard [DETROIT, NEW FENWICK]; KU 70, TTSF 70
  • I Will Walk in the Presence of the Lord; PSA 115
  • I Love the Lord, Who (He) Heard My Cry [I LOVE THE LORD} (Smallwood)]; PAS 116D, LUYH 152

    Organ Music

    • “I Danced in the Morning,” SIMPLE GIFTS, Augsburg Organ Library: Easter, J. Wayne Kerr, AF (ME)
    • “Open My Eyes,” My Jesus, I Love Thee, Robert J. Hughes, LOR (ME)
    • “Be Thou My Vision,” We Gather Together, Christina Harmon, LOR (E)
    • “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart,” Music for Rejoicing, Douglas E. Wagner, LOR (ME)

    Anthems for Adult Choirs

    • “A Hymn to God Creator,” John Ferguson, MSM, SATB div, org (A)
    • “Come Follow Me,” Elly and Steve Kupferschmid, SHAW, SAB, keybd (E)
    • “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” arr. Gilbert Martin, TPR, SATB, keybd (M)
    • “The Heavens Are Telling,” The Creation, Franz J. Haydn, GSH, SATB, STB soli, keybd (A)
    • “God Be in My Head,” Walford Davies, CPDL, SATBB, acap (M)
    • “Day by Day,” Thomas Keesecker, MSM, uni, keybd (E)
    • “God Be in My Head,” The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems, David Fawcett, OUP, FLEX, keybd (E)
    • “Take Up Your Cross,” The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems, arr. Rebecca Groom te Velde, OUP, FLEX, keybd (E)

    Handbell Music

    • “Change Ring Prelude on ‘Divinum Mysterium,’” Fred Gramann, LOR, 201537L (2‑3 oct), 201239L (3–6 oct), Level 3+
    • “Reflections on Kelvingrove,” Jason Krug, 3‑6 oct, opt hc, RRM, RRBL5079, Level 2+
    • “Lord, Speak to Me,” Sandra Eithun, 2‑3 oct, CGA, CGB532, Level 2


    • The Heavens Are Telling, Jan Richardson (JR)
    • Wisdom Mural, Robert Reid (VDL)
    • Wisdom, Ayibiowu, Olusola David (VDL)
    • Hypocrite and Slanderer, Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (VDL)