Lectionary Readings
Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18
Abram believes in the Lord; God makes a covenant with Abram.
Psalm 27
I believe I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Philippians 3:17—4:1
God will transform our humiliation into glory; stand firm in the Lord.
Luke 13:31–35
Jesus laments: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets!
or Luke 9:28–36
On a mountaintop, Jesus is transfigured; God says: This is my Son.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
The Lord is our light and our salvation;
whom shall we fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of our life;
of whom shall we be afraid?
We seek your face, O Lord.
Do not hide your face from us!
Do not forsake us,
O God of our salvation!
Make us strong,
and let our hearts take courage.
We wait for the Lord.
Let us worship God!
Prayer of the Day
Holy God,
though we continue to stumble,
you have made us citizens of heaven.
Through Christ you have claimed us
and transformed us by your glory.
How wonderful you are, O God!
By the power of your Spirit,
empower us to steadfast faithfulness
as your beloved children. Amen.
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving for Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
God of ancient covenants,
who never breaks trust,
we thank you for baptismal waters
that pour out your steadfast love
for all creation.
Thank you for the salvation promise
you have kept.
In the name of Jesus,
the Living Water, we pray. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
From generation to generation,
God has extended mercy and love.
Trusting in God’s faithfulness,
let us make our confession.
Loving God,
you have formed a covenant with us,
committing yourself to us
and inviting us to walk with you.
Yet we have resisted,
seeking other companions,
going in different ways,
thinking that we know best.
Now we find ourselves far from life,
further still from you.
Have mercy on our waywardness.
Help us find our way back.
Give us faith so that we can hold the hand
you have extended to us in Jesus Christ.
Lifting water from the font:
From generation to generation,
God’s love overcomes human sinfulness.
God is committed to fresh starts
and new creations.
This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
O Lord of light and salvation,
let these words of Scripture
live not only in our mouths,
but in our hearts,
that we will embody your truth
and confess with our lives
that Jesus is Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
The Word is near to us,
on our lips and in our hearts.
Romans 10:8
After the readings:
This is the Word of faith
that we proclaim.
Thanks be to God.
Romans 10:8
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
Let every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
Philippians 2:11
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
The reconciling work of Jesus
was the supreme crisis in the life of humankind.
His cross and resurrection become personal crisis
and present hope for women and men
when the gospel is proclaimed and believed.
In this experience,
the Spirit brings God’s forgiveness to all,
moves people to respond in faith,
repentance, and obedience,
and initiates the new life in Christ.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.21
Prayers of Intercession
Let us have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus
as we pray for the world he came to save,
saying: Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the church . . .
Transform our shame into your glory.
Help us to live as citizens of heaven,
watching for the coming of our Savior.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the world . . .
Show your compassion to the nations.
Give shelter to the poor and oppressed
as a hen gathers her young under her wing.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for this community . . .
Put an end to the violence among us.
Let your goodness and grace be known
in the land of the living.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for loved ones . . .
Be the light and the salvation
of all who are suffering this day.
Let their hearts take courage in you.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
As we pour out our hearts in prayer, O God,
lead us to pour out our lives in service to you—
ever seeking your will, ever following your way;
all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
— Eucharist —
Invitation to Offering
At the communion table:
Through the grace of God,
we have gifts in abundance
and pour them out
like perfume from a flask,
not for our sakes,
but to worship the One who
lavishes love on the world.
Prayer of Dedication
At the communion table:
You have shown us, O God,
the sacrifice that you desire.
Now use these gifts—
and use our lives—
to liberate the oppressed,
to break the bonds of injustice,
to feed the hungry,
welcome the poor,
and unite the human family;
all in the name and for the sake
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Isaiah 58:6–7
Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
Abraham believed in you,
and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.
You made a covenant with him,
providing a great land for his offspring,
promising that his descendants
would outnumber the stars.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.
Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry,
and cast out demons,
seeking to gather your children
as a hen shelters her brood beneath her wings.
He wept over Jerusalem
when we rejected his saving love.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation
(e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Help us to stand firm in the faith,
as citizens of heaven,
awaiting the coming of our Savior,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
By the power of Christ,
transform our humiliation into glory.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking the Bread
Communion of the People
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Prayer after Communion
At the communion table:
Giving God, living Lord,
you have fed us with your body.
You have poured out your life that we might live.
We thank you,
for we have tasted your goodness in this meal.
Fed, we are strengthened;
filled, we are renewed
to share the abundance of your love
with a hungry world. Amen.
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
At the doors of the church:
May the Spirit of the triune God
strengthen and sustain you,
all throughout these forty days
and into the life that is to come. Amen.
Luke 4:1–2
Go in peace,
proclaiming the message of reconciliation
God has entrusted to us. Amen.
2 Corinthians 5:19
Bujora Catholic Church
Mwanza, Tanzania
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
The God of Abraham Praise (OE) LEONI GTG 49, PH 488
The God of Sarah Praise (OE) LEONI VT 190
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (EG) ST. DENIO GTG 12, PH 263
To Abraham and Sarah (O) LLANFYLLIN GTG 51
In the Cross of Christ I Glory (EG) RATHBUN GTG 213, PH 84
When Twilight Comes (G) DARIC HAPON GTG 195, PH 547
Hope of Abraham and Sarah (O) CIVILITY VT 807
Great Are You, Lord (OG) GREAT IS THE LORD GTG 614, STF 2022
Come Down, O Love Divine (EG) DOWN AMPNEY GTG 282, PH 313
When Jesus Wept (G) WHEN JESUS WEPT GTG 194, PH 312
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (EG) ROCKINGHAM/HAMBURG GTG 223, 224, PH 100, 101
Blest Be the Tie That Binds (OEG) DENNIS GTG 306, PH 438
O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair (G) DEO GRACIAS GTG 189, PH 75
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 27
The Lord Is My Light [Bouknight]; PAS 27B
O Lord, You Are My Light [RHOSYMEDRE]; PAS 27C, LUYH 773
The Lord Is My Light, My Light and Salvation; GTG 842, PSA 25, PAS 27A
El Señor es mi luz / The Lord Is My Light; PAS 27G, LUYH 774
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation; PAS 27H (pointed vv.), G3 (through-composed vv.)
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation; PFTS1 38
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation [ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN]; HTP1 83
Organ Music
“O Darkest Woe,” O TRAURIGKEIT, Journey to the Cross: Hymn Preludes for Lent and Holy Week, James Biery, CON (M)
“Lonesome Valley,” Augsburg Organ Library: Lent II, Dale Wood, AF (M)
“Savior, When in Dust to You,” ABERYSTWYTH, Gerald Near, Augsburg Organ Library: Lent, AF (E)
Piano Music
“The God of Abraham Praise,” LEONI, The Church Pianist’s Library, vol. 22, Lyndell Leatherman, LOR (M)
“In the Cross of Christ I Glory,” RATHBUN, Hymn Meditations, Mary Sallee, CF (ME)
Anthems for Adult Choirs
“My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” Lloyd Larson, BP, SATB, pno, opt solo (E)
“Wondrous Cross,” arr. Benjamin Kornelis, Musicspoke, SSAATB, acap, opt solo (MA)
“In His Hand,” Marty Parks, LOR, SATB, pno, opt vln (E)
“The Lord Is My Light,” Keven A. Memley, Pavane Publishing, SATB, keybd (E)
“The Lord Is My Light,” Daniel Nelson, AF, SATB, pno (ME)
God’s Hands and the Holy Spirit, stained glass, 20th century (VDL)
Hen and Fox, Peter Koenig, 20th century (VDL)
Psalm 27:1, Timothy R. Botts, 2016 (EYE)
Genesis 15, Timothy R. Botts, 2016 (EYE)