Lectionary Readings
1 Kings 19:1–4 (5–7), 8–15a
Elijah meets God—not in wind, earthquake, or fire—but in silence.
Psalms 42 and 43
My soul longs for you, O God; where are you? My hope is in you.
Isaiah 65:1–9
The Lord says: I will repay their iniquity, but I will not destroy them.
Psalm 22:19–28
The Lord did not despise or forsake me; I will praise the Lord.
Galatians 3:23–29
In Christ there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female.
Luke 8:26–39
Jesus casts out a man’s demons and they enter a herd of swine.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
When we long for your presence,
you are there with us, O source of comfort.
When we face dangers and perils,
you are there for us, O source of strength.
When we need to do justice,
you are there within us, O source of courage.
So we come with songs and praises,
that all the ends of the earth
and all the families of the nations
may know of your love.
Let us praise God!
Prayer of the Day
God, our lives are full of so much
that keeps us distracted,
full of activities and TV commercials,
full of background noises and disruptions,
full of strong winds and fires,
full of alienation and loss.
You come to us even in the midst of it,
and in the silence,
in the stillness,
you ask us to eat and rest,
to recover our strength and gain some clarity.
Give us the strength to stand up,
to go into the wilderness, and to do the work
of blessing others,
of feeding others,
of giving others rest.
Today we ask that you come in the silence
or in the noise of our anxious hearts.
Whisper to us a word of hope
and instill in us a word of justice,
that this hurting world
might experience the joy of salvation. Amen.
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving for Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
O Lord our God, we give you thanks
for the grace that is at work in us
through the gift of our baptism—
the sign of your threefold name,
the communion of your faithful people,
the promise of your glorious realm.
By the power of your Holy Spirit,
poured out upon us in baptism,
let your grace and peace grow in us,
until we gather at your heavenly throne
to give you thanks and praise forever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
In confession, we tell the truth
about ourselves and our broken world,
and the God of all Truth,
who knows our limitations
and loves our imperfections,
has already forgiven us
and will always forgive us.
Trusting in God’s infinite mercy,
let us dare to tell the truth in prayer together.
God of Grace,
we have harmed your children
whom you love.
Because we do not understand them,
we segregate them,
we reject them,
we demonize them,
and we hurt them.
Forgive us, in your infinite love,
and teach us to welcome
all of your children
until our hospitality
is as wide as your mercy.
Help us to understand others
as we wish to be understood.
Guide us to love one another
as you love us.
Lifting water from the font:
This is the truth:
You are not the labels others place on you.
You are more than the boxes you check.
You are not the side of the aisle
on which you stand,
for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
You belong to Christ, and Christ alone.
Believe the good news of the gospel:
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
Faithful God, how blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Sanctify us by your Word and Spirit
so that we may glorify you
in the company of the faithful;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
At the crossroads wisdom calls.
Proverbs 8:1–2
After the readings:
The wisdom of God for all people;
the call of God for all who live.
Thanks be to God.
Proverbs 8:4
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
How majestic is the name
of the Lord our God! Amen.
Psalm 8:1
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
The life, death, resurrection,
and promised coming of Jesus Christ
has set the pattern for the church’s mission.
His human life involves the church
in the common life of all people.
His service to men and women
commits the church
to work for every form of human well-being.
His suffering makes the church sensitive
to all human suffering
so that it sees the face of Christ
in the faces of persons in every kind of need.
His crucifixion discloses to the church
God’s judgment on the inhumanity
that marks human relations,
and the awful consequences
of the church’s own complicity in injustice.
In the power of the risen Christ
and the hope of his coming,
the church sees the promise
of God’s renewal of human life in society
and of God’s victory over all wrong.
The church follows this pattern
in the form of its life
and in the method of its action.
So to live and serve
is to confess Christ as Lord.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.32–33
Prayers of Intercession
Holy God, One-in-Three and Three-in-One,
hear us as we pray for your blessing,
saying: Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for the church . . .
Help us when we are feeling hopeless.
Raise us up to face the journey before us
as the body of Christ in the world.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for the world . . .
Stand with those who feel forgotten or alone.
Give refuge to those who have been cast aside.
Convert those whose gods are hate and fear.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for this community . . .
Let us be no longer divided
by our race, our status, or our gender.
Unite us in compassion for one another.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for loved ones . . .
Comfort those whose struggles and fears
weigh heavily on our hearts this day.
Show them your healing and steadfast love.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
All this we ask of you, Lord God,
through Jesus Christ our Savior,
and in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
— Eucharist —
Invitation to Offering
At the communion table:
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,
to present yourselves as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1
Prayer of Dedication
At the communion table:
Generous God, we give you thanks
for all your blessings to us.
Use these gifts we offer
as a sign of your great love for the world,
so that all may know and share
the abundance of your grace;
in your holy name we pray. Amen.
2 Corinthians 8:12–15
Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
You stand with the downtrodden,
offering them strength.
You give a mission and purpose
to your people.
You turn fear into hope
by your very presence.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church
and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.
Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Jesus commanded demons and unclean spirits.
He was feared by those
who did not understand him,
but embraced by those
who knew what you could do for them.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation
(e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
By your Spirit,
unite us in one covenant with you,so that we may be counted as your children
through faith,
heirs to the promise you made with Abraham.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking the Bread
Communion of the People
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Prayer after Communion
At the communion table:
Holy Spirit,
you have filled us with your life.
Christ our Savior,
you have embraced us in your love.
God our Mother,
you have fed us with your grace.
Now send us out into your beloved world
to share your life,
your love, your grace with all.
Blessing and honor and glory to you,
holy, holy, holy Lord. Amen.
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
At the doors of the church:
May the God of glory,
the Lord of life,
and the Spirit of truth
be with you all. Alleluia!
John 16:12–15
Live by the Spirit,
the giver of life. Amen.
Galatians 5:16

Symbol of the Gospel of Luke
Stained Glass, Corning, Ohio
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
- Let Us Build a House (E) TWO OAKS GTG 301
- In Christ There Is No East or West (E) MCKEE GTG 317
- We Are One in Christ Jesus (E) SOMOS UNO GTG 322
- How Long, O Lord (P) HOW LONG, O LORD GTG 777
- Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (O) MIT FREUDEN ZART GTG 645
- One Bread, One Body (E) ONE BREAD, ONE BODY GTG 530
- Come to the Table (E) COME TO THE TABLE GTG 508
- We Will Walk with God (P) SIZOHOMBA NAYE GTG 742
- Our Hope, Our Life (O) O WALY WALY GTG 847
Psalms and Canticles
Psalms 42 and 43
- As Pants the Deer for Living Streams [SEACHRIST]; GTG 778
- As a Deer in Want of Water [FREU DICH SEHR / GENEVAN 42]; PAS 42E, LUYH 616
- As the Deer Pants for the Water [CERVUS INDOMITUS]; PAS 42B, LUYH 332
- My Soul Thirsts for the Living God; PAS 42F
- O Why Are You Cast Down [GO DOWN MOSES]; PP 80
- Put Your Trust in God, O My Soul [WONDROUS LOVE]; HTP1 128
Psalm 22:19–28
- Lord, Why Have You Forsaken Me? [HARVEY’S CHANT]; PAS 22B
- I Come with Praise before the Lord [MORNING SONG / CONSOLATION]; PP 38 (with refrain), PCW 22B (as CM)
- In the Presence of Your People [CELEBRATION]; GTG 631, PAS 22F
- Amid the Thronging Worshipers [BOVINA]; PAS 22E, SGP 31 (altered)
- Scripted Reading [WONDROUS LOVE]; PAS 22C, LUYH 165
- All the Ends of the Earth; PAS 22D (alt. refrain)
- In the Midst of the Congregation [HOLY MANNA]; HTP2 146
Organ Music
- “In Christ There Is No East or West,” MCKEE, Laudate! vol. 5, James Biery, CON (M)
- “Be Still, and Know That I Am God,” Meditations on the Love of God, Marilyn Biery, MSM (ME)
- “Prelude on ‘Ebenezer,’” EBENEZER, Ten Hymn Preludes, Set II, Healey Willan, CFP (A)
- “God of the Sparrow,” Musica Sacra, vol. 1, Carl Schalk, CON (E)
Piano Music
- “In Christ There Is No East or West,” MCKEE, He Leadeth Me, Anthony Giamanco, LOR (M)
- “As the Deer,” AS THE DEER, The Essential Collection for the Church Pianist, Douglas Wagner, HOPE (M)
Anthems for Adult Choirs
- “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” John Rutter, HIN, SATB, keybd (ME)
- “I’m Goin’ Up a Yonder,” Walter Hawkins, arr. Martin Sirvatka, BH, 4 pt treble, keybd (ME)
- “Balm in Gilead,” arr. M. Roger Holland II, MSM, SATB, keybd, solo (ME)
- “Sim Shalom,” Jennaya Robison, ECS, SATB, opt pno or str qrt (ME)
- “Sicut Cervus,” G. Palestrina, (PD), SATB, acap (M)
Vocal Solos
- “There Is a Balm in Gilead,” Ten Spirituals for Solo Voice, Mark Hayes, ALF, low/medium/high (M)
- “One Bread, One Body,” John Foley, musicnotes.com (E)
- “Lord of the Small,” Sacred Solos of Dan Forrest, Dan Forrest, BP, low/medium/high (M)
- Elijah Visited by an Angel in the Wilderness, Alessandro Magnasco, 1687–1749 (PD)
- Psalm 42–43, Diane Palley, 2005 (VCS)
- Casting Out Evil Spirits, Peter Koenig, 1991 (VDL)
- We Are All One in Jesus, Soichi Watanabe, 2008–2009 (Overseas Ministries Study Center, Princeton Theological Seminary)
- Emmaus, Emmanuel Garibay, 2012 (VCS)
- Jesus, the Gerasene, and the Unclean Spirits, James Tissot, 1886–94 (VDL)
- Jesus and the Demoniac, woodcut, 15th century (PD)