Lectionary Readings
Proverbs 8:1–4, 22–31
Does not wisdom call? I was present at the beginning of creation.
Psalm 8
O Sovereign Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Romans 5:1–5
God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
John 16:12–15
Jesus says: The Spirit will guide you; all that the Father has is mine.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
Not a day passes
that we see the work of your fingers,
the work of your wisdom, O God,
and do not feel awe.
Sheep, birds, and fish,
you made with detail and care.
And then you made us: each formed from the earth. Fragile and strong,
wise, with so much to learn,
we can’t help but sing your praises.
Let us worship God!
Prayer of the Day
Creator of everything that is and will be,
we rejoice in the craftiness of your wisdom.
She runs and plays,
making all things new
day after day.
Our songs are filled with gratitude.
You shape our hearts
with the love of Jesus Christ,
teaching us how to serve
all who surround us,
how to stand up and speak up
against injustice and bigotry,
how to flip the tables and wash the feet
of those who have hurt us the most.
Our songs are filled with gratitude.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on us.
Guide us and lead us in the truth,
that we may have hope
in the midst of chaos
and conviction in the midst of uncertainty.
May we one day join in the unending dance
with you, Maker, Shaper, Weaver,
Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving for Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
O Lord our God, we give you thanks
for the grace that is at work in us
through the gift of our baptism—
the sign of your threefold name,
the communion of your faithful people,
the promise of your glorious realm.
By the power of your Holy Spirit,
poured out upon us in baptism,
let your grace and peace grow in us,
until we gather at your heavenly throne
to give you thanks and praise forever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
The triune God mercifully and graciously
invites us into a relationship of wholeness.
In humility and truth,
let us confess the sin
that keeps us from the life God intends.
Holy God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Mother, Lover, and Friend,
one God in three persons,
mutual and whole,
we confess our relationships are not that way.
We have been too selfish;
or we have given too much;
or we have accepted too little.
Our sin drives us away from one another
and from you.
Forgive us and restore us.
Draw us close that we may know life
in all of its fullness.
Lifting water from the font:
God’s love is poured out through the Holy Spirit.
This is love from God’s own heart,
love that cleanses and renews.
This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
Holy, Holy, Holy One,
guide us by the Spirit of truth
to hear the Word of life you speak,
and to give all glory, honor, and praise
to your threefold name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
At the crossroads wisdom calls.
Proverbs 8:1–2
After the readings:
The wisdom of God for all people;
the call of God for all who live.
Thanks be to God.
Proverbs 8:4
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
How majestic is the name
of the Lord our God! Amen.
Psalm 8:1
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
Jesus Christ is God with humankind.
He is the eternal Son of the Father,
who became human and lived among us
to fulfill the work of reconciliation.
He is present in the church
by the power of the Holy Spirit
to continue and complete his mission.
This work of God,
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
is the foundation of all confessional statements
about God, humanity, and the world.
Therefore, the church calls all people
to be reconciled to God and to one another.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.07
Prayers of Intercession
Holy God, One-in-Three and Three-in-One,
hear us as we pray for your blessing,
saying: Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for the church . . .
Help us to heed your call and follow your way.
Let us know your love and live into our faith,
laying our fears and failures in your hands.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for the world . . .
Where there is hatred and bloodshed,
fighting and mistrust, drought and disease,
give peace, reconciliation, and healing.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for this community . . .
Bless the neighbors who call this place home,
those beyond these walls who have no home,
and strangers, unknown to us but loved by you.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
We pray for loved ones . . .
Be with those who are near and far away,
those who are facing new challenges in life,
and those who search for signs of hope.
Holy, triune God, have mercy on us.
All this we ask of you, Lord God,
through Jesus Christ our Savior,
and in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
— Eucharist —
Invitation to Offering
At the communion table:
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,
to present yourselves as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1
Prayer of Dedication
At the communion table:
Generous God, we give you thanks
for all your blessings to us.
Use these gifts we offer
as a sign of your great love for the world,
so that all may know and share
the abundance of your grace;
in your holy name we pray. Amen.
2 Corinthians 8:12–15
Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
You pour your love into our hearts
and give us the eternal presence of your Holy Spirit.
All creation is infused
with your energy, wisdom, and purpose.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.
Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Born in human likeness and found in human form,
Jesus lived a faithful life,
guiding all who seek to follow him.
His death and resurrection
display your power and might.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation
(e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
By the work of your Spirit,
help us to know and live your truth.
Let good will and good news
empower the church in the world.
Let the gifts of hope and peace
flourish in your whole creation.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking the Bread
Communion of the People
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Prayer after Communion
At the communion table:
Holy Spirit,
you have filled us with your life.
Christ our Savior,
you have embraced us in your love.
God our Mother,
you have fed us with your grace.
Now send us out into your beloved world
to share your life, your love, your grace with all.
Blessing and honor and glory to you,
holy, holy, holy Lord. Amen.
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
At the doors of the church:
May the God of glory,
the Lord of life,
and the Spirit of truth
be with you all. Alleluia!
John 16:12–15
Live by the Spirit,
the giver of life. Amen.
Galatians 5:16

Symbol of the Gospel of Luke
Stained Glass, Corning, Ohio
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom (O) MADELEINE GTG 174
Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire (O) VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS GTG 278
Womb of Life and Source of Being (OEG) RAQUEL GTG 3
Source and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud (OEG) ABERYSTWYTH GTG 11
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian (EG) I WANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN GTG 729
I Come with Joy (P) DOVE OF PEACE GTG 515
We Gather Here in Jesus’ Name (E) COME, SHARE THE LORD GTG 510
Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading (G) NIGO KWETU, ROHO MWEMA GTG 287
Go to the World! (G) SINE NOMINE GTG 295
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 8
O Lord, Our God, How Excellent [WINCHESTER OLD]; GTG 25, PH 162
Lord, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name [GOTT SEI DANK, EVENING PRAYER]; PAS 8A, B, LUYH 500, 501, PH 163
O Lord, Our Lord, Throughout the Earth [TRAMPS AND HAWKERS]; PAS 8D
O Lord, Our Lord, Your Majesty []; PCW 8
O Lord, Our Lord, How Majestic Is Your Name; PAS 8E
O Lord, Our Lord, Your Name Is Glorious; PSA 5
Organ Music
“Prelude and Fugue in E Flat, ‘St. Anne,’” BWV 552, Johann Sebastian Bach, various publishers, also available on IMSLP.org (A)
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!” NICAEA, A British Perspective: Melodies and Hymn Tunes for Organ, Marilyn Biery, AF (M)
“Aire on BRIDEGROOM,” Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists: Pentecost and Trinity, Mary Beth Bennett, OUP (E)
“Prelude on Spirit of the Living God,” LIVING GOD, Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists: Pentecost and Trinity, Malcolm Archer, OUP (E)
Piano Music
“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty,” NICAEA, The Essential Collection for the Church Pianist, Lloyd Larson, HOPE (MA)
“Come, Thou Almighty King,” ITALIAN HYMN, The Hymn Collection, Phillip Keveren, HAL (M)
“All Glory Be to God on High,” ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Roger Summers, LOR (MA)
Anthems for Adult Choirs
“A Prayer to the Trinity,” Russell Mauldin, HAL, SATB, keybd (E)
“In Praise of the Trinity,” John Carter, MSM, SAB, keybd, opt fl (E)
“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty,” Molly Ijames, LOR, SATB, org, opt cong, brass, timp (ME)
“The Stranger’s Guise,” Karen Marrolli, MSM, SAT, keybd, opt vln (M)
“You Are the One,” Thomas Keesecker, AF, SAB, keybd, opt cong (E)
“Santo, Holy,” John B. Dykes and Edwin M. Willmington, JH, SATB, keybd, opt cong, opt brass (M)
“Benedicta sit Sancta Trinitas,” G. Palestrina, (PD), SATB, acap (MA)
Vocal Solos
“Morning Song,” David von Kampen, Pavane Publishing, medium (E)
“Holy, Holy, Holy,” Still All My Song Shall Be, Tom Trenney, MSM (M)
“God of the Deep,” Songs for the Journey, Dan Forrest, BP, low/medium/high (MA)
“God of Wonders,” Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong, praisecharts.com (ME)
The Wisdom Window, Tom Denny, 2012, stained glass (VCS)
Trinity, Kelly Latimore, 2016 (VDL)
Trinity, P. Solomon Raj, 2016 (EYE)
Romans 5:1, Timothy R. Botts (EYE)