Lectionary Readings
Genesis 12:1–9
The Lord will bless Abram and Sarai and make them a blessing.
Psalm 33:1–12
Rejoice in the Lord; happy are those who are chosen as God’s own.
Hosea 5:15–6:6
On the third day God will raise us up; God desires steadfast love.
Psalm 50:7–15
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving; call on God in trouble.
Romans 4:13–25
The example of Abraham; righteousness comes from faith.
Matthew 9:9–13, 18–26
Jesus calls sinners; he heals a woman and raises a dead girl to life.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
We say we come to worship to be with God,
but the beautiful truth is:
God is already with us.
God is always with us.
So in this time together,
let us lift our voices in praise
of this loving, ever-present God!
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving For Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
O Lord our God, we give you thanks
for the grace that is at work in us
through the gift of our baptism—
the sign of your threefold name,
the communion of your faithful people,
the promise of your glorious realm.
By the power of your Holy Spirit,
poured out upon us in baptism,
let your grace and peace grow in us,
until we gather at your heavenly throne
to give you thanks and praise forever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
Christ came for us in the midst of our sins.
Knowing that Jesus meets us where we are,
let us offer our prayers of confession.
Merciful God,
we acknowledge our guilt,
and seek your face and your forgiveness.
For we have not offered steadfast love
to you or each other.
We have not moved forward in faith,
but have allowed ourselves to be stifled by fear.
Revive us, raise us up, that we might live before you,
rejoicing in the knowledge of your love.
Lifting water from the font:
People of God,
hear and believe the good news:
Christ came to bring healing, forgiveness, and new life
to all who sin and suffer.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
Holy, Holy, Holy One,
guide us by the Spirit of truth
to hear the Word of life you speak,
and to give all glory, honor, and praise
to your threefold name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
Listen to the word of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 6:4
After the readings:
Keep these words in your heart.
The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.
Thanks be to God.
Deuteronomy 6:6
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
To the Lord our God, Alpha and Omega,
be all glory and honor forever. Amen.
Revelation 21:6
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
The life, death, resurrection,
and promised coming of Jesus Christ
has set the pattern for the church’s mission.
His human life involves the church
in the common life of all people.
His service to men and women
commits the church
to work for every form of human well-being.
His suffering makes the church sensitive
to all human suffering
so that it sees the face of Christ
in the faces of persons in every kind of need.
His crucifixion discloses to the church
God’s judgment on the inhumanity
that marks human relations,
and the awful consequences
of the church’s own complicity in injustice.
In the power of the risen Christ
and the hope of his coming,
the church sees the promise
of God’s renewal of human life in society
and of God’s victory over all wrong.
The church follows this pattern
in the form of its life
and in the method of its action.
So to live and serve
is to confess Christ as Lord.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.32–33
Prayers of Intercession
Let us pray in the Spirit, who helps us in our weakness,
interceding with sighs too deep for words.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray for the church . . .
Through the power of your Holy Spirit,
fill us with the hope of the gospel—
the hope that will never disappoint us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray for the earth . . .
Let all the earth make a joyful noise to you,
for your steadfast love endures forever
and your faithfulness is for all generations.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray for all nations . . .
Teach the leaders of this and every nation
to keep their promises and follow your way,
so that all may have fullness of life in you.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray for this community . . .
Let us be laborers in the field of your harvest,
proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ
and helping those who are suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray for loved ones . . .
Incline your ear to those who cry for help.
Pour out your saving, life-giving power
for those who call upon your holy name.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In the Spirit, we pray to you, O God,
confident that all things work together for good
for those who love you
and are called according to your purpose.
Above all, we give you thanks, O God,
that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Romans 8:26, 28, 39
— Eucharist —
Invitation to Offering
At the communion table:
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,
to present yourselves as a living sacrifice,
holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1
Prayer of Dedication
At the communion table:
God of unending gifts,
we praise you for your abundant goodness.
As you are generous, we want to be generous too.
May the gifts we bring
extend your generosity into the world,
so that all people may be made whole
by your goodness and grace. Amen.
Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
You shared a meal with Abraham and Sarah
and promised them that in due season
they would become the ancestors of a great people.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.
Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Jesus sends us out as laborers in the harvest
to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out what is evil,
and to proclaim that his kingdom has come near.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation (e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through the Spirit you have poured into our hearts,
fill us with your love, and give us the power to proclaim
the good news of Jesus Christ who died for all.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking the Bread
Communion of the People
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Prayer after Communion
At the communion table:
Holy Spirit, you have filled us with your life.
Christ our Savior, you have embraced us in your love.
God our Mother, you have fed us with your grace.
Now send us out into your beloved world
to share your life, your love, your grace with all.
Blessing and honor and glory to you,
holy, holy, holy Lord. Amen.
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
At the doors of the church:
May the blessing of the Trinity—
holy, holy, holy Lord—
be with you now and always. Alleluia!
Isaiah 6:3
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here I am; send me!” Amen.
Isaiah 6:8

“Saint Matthew”
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
- The Steadfast Love of the Lord (OE) THE STEADFAST LOVE OF THE LORD GTG 59
- Sing a New Song unto the Lord (G) SING A NEW SONG GTG 276
- Morning Has Broken (OG) BUNESSAN GTG 664, PH 469
- Lord, You Are Welcome (OE) Warren Jones AAHH 626
- God’s Word Is Upright / La palabra del Señor (OE) NELSON GTG 40
- The Risen Christ (G) WOODLANDS GTG 257
- Jesus Calls Us (G) GALILEE GTG 720
- You Are the Christ, O Lord (G) WYNGATE CANON EH 254
- Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts (OG) QUEBEC, JESU DULCIS MEMORIA GTG 494, PH 510, 511
- I Am the Bread of Life (O) I AM THE BREAD GTG 522
- Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine! (OE) ASSURANCE GTG 839
- As Rain from the Clouds (E) AFTON WATER ELW 508
- For the Fruit of All Creation (OE) AR HYD Y NOS GTG 36, PH 553
- To Abraham and Sarah (OE) LLANFYLLIN GTG 51
- Faith Begins by Letting Go (OE) LUX PRIMA GTG 684
- May You Run and Not Be Weary (OG) PRINCE OF PEACE STF 2281
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 33:1–12
- God’s Word Is Upright / La palabra del Señor [NELSON]; GTG 40, SSS 4
- Rejoice, You Righteous, in the Lord [ELLACOMBE D]; PAS 33B
- The Lord God from His Throne on High [GENEVAN 68 | D]; PAS 33C
- Psalm 33 [Proulx]; PH 185 (refrain only)
- Psalm 33 (1–22); PSA 30
- Psalm 33 [Hopson]; PP 64
- Psalm 33 [Marchionda]; PAS 33A
Psalm 50:7–15
- The Mighty God with Power Speaks [KINGSFOLD, STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN]; GTG 13, PAS 50A, LUYH 9
- Let the Giving of Thanks Be Our Sacrifice [GREYFRIARS]; PAS 50C, LUYH 379
- Psalm 50:1–15, 22–23 [Hobby]; PAS 50B
- Psalm 50:1–15, 22–23 [Hopson]; PSA 46
- Psalm 50 [Marshall]; UMH 783
- Psalm 50 [Hopson, LEONI]; PP 98
Organ Music
- “Blessed Assurance,” ASSURANCE, Augsburg Organ Library: Summer, J. Bert Carlson, AF (ME)
- “Chromhorne sur la Taille,” Mass for the Convents, Francois Couperin, KAL (E)
- Fughetta in D, Twelve Fughettas, Joseph Rheinberger, KAL (ME)
Anthems for Adult Choir
- “We Rejoice to Be God’s Chosen,” John Bell, GIA, SATB (E)
- “God Be Merciful unto Us and Bless Us,” Philip W. J. Stopford, MSM, SATB, org (M)
- “Blessing,” Katie Moran Bart, KJO, uni or SATB, pno (E)
- “Blessed, How Blessed,” David Cherwien, MSM, 2 pt mx, org (ME)
- “And the Father Will Dance,” Mark Hayes, HIN, SATB, pno (MA)
- “Set Me as a Seal,” Rene Clausen, SHAW, SATB (MA)
- “Sicut Cervus,” G. P. Palestrina, CPDL, SATB (MA)
Handbell Music
- “Ring to the Lord a New Song,” Cathy Moklebust, 2–3 oct or 4–6 oct, CGA, CGB959 or CGB960, Level 4-
- “Glad Hearts, Rejoice!” Michael Mazzatenta, 3–5 oct, opt 3 oct hc, AGEHR, AG35379, Level 2+
- “Morning Has Broken,” Anna Laura Page, 3–5 oct, JHS, 9190, Level 3
- Sarah and Abraham Offer Hospitality to the Visitors, mosaic, c. 526, Ravenna, Italy (VDL)
- Saint Matthew, mural, Ann Arbor, MI (VDL)
- For God’s Steadfast Love Endures Forever, Jan Richardson (JR)