I’ll Meet You There
Molly Bolton
Molly Bolton is a writer, spiritual director, and teacher living in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. —Rumi
There is a person at the corner coffee shop
with purple eyeshadow and a mahogany beard,
with a crooked-teeth opened-mouth laugh,
who is so beautiful in their here-ness
—I mean, as natural as a mushroom on log after
rain—that they planted me
square in the present moment. There is a person
at the afternoon street festival
with flowing sleeves and worn-in boots,
with eyes closed, face tipped up to the day,
who moves their body so freely
—I mean, stream into river, wind into oak leaves—
they shook loose a door in me
I didn’t even know was stuck.
Can you dream it?
The field beyond the field.
The space beyond the space.
Did not Jesus answer a question
with another question?
We worship the Unfolding.
The Undoing. The Becoming.
We will no longer fall victim
to someone else’s narrow imagination.
We worship Expanse Beyond Expanse.