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I’ll Meet You There

Molly Bolton

Molly Bolton is a writer, spiritual director, and teacher living in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. —Rumi

There is a person at the corner coffee shop
with purple eyeshadow and a mahogany beard,

with a crooked-teeth opened-mouth laugh,
who is so beautiful in their here-ness

—I mean, as natural as a mushroom on log after
rain—that they planted me

square in the present moment. There is a person
at the afternoon street festival

with flowing sleeves and worn-in boots,
with eyes closed, face tipped up to the day,

who moves their body so freely
—I mean, stream into river, wind into oak leaves—

they shook loose a door in me
I didn’t even know was stuck.

Can you dream it?
The field beyond the field.

The space beyond the space.
Did not Jesus answer a question 

with another question?
We worship the Unfolding.

The Undoing. The Becoming.
We will no longer fall victim

to someone else’s narrow imagination.
We worship Expanse Beyond Expanse.

Naming God at Baptism

Naming God at Baptism

We want to know the name of God. It makes sense that religious people try to ensure that when they address their God in praise or petition, whether during rituals in the assembly or in the personal prayer of their hearts, they are calling on God using the right name. We want to honor the deity of our choice; we wish to stand within a hallowed tradition; we are glad to unite with others of our faith community.

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Naming God at Baptism

Why Baptism Matters for the Work of Dismantling Racism

Perhaps my favorite definition of the word sacrament is “the visible sign of an invisible grace.” Coined during the Council of Trent by Augustine of Hippo, the North African theologian on whose theology much of Western Christianity laid its foundations, it remains one of the most used definitions in both the Roman Catholic and mainline Protestant traditions.

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