Lectionary Readings
Isaiah 52:13—53:12
The innocent servant suffers; surely he has borne our sin.
Psalm 22
A desperate prayer of lament turns to thanksgiving and praise.
Hebrews 10:16–25
Jesus opens the sanctuary for us; trust in him, for he is faithful.
or Hebrews 4:14–16; 5:7–9
In Jesus, we have a great high priest who knows our weakness.
John 18:1—19:42
Jesus is arrested, put on trial, crucified, and buried.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?
We cry by day, but you do not answer;
and by night, but find no rest.
Yet in you our ancestors trusted.
They trusted you and you delivered them.
So we praise you among the great congregation,
telling all of our siblings of God’s deliverance.
All the ends of the earth shall remember
and return to the Lord.
Dominion belongs to the Lord,
and God rules over the nations.
Let us worship God.
Prayer of the Day
All-giving God,
your love for the world knows no bounds.
You emptied yourself for us,
enduring death on a cross,
so that we might know you more fully.
By the power of your Spirit,
help us to understand
the meaning of your sacrifice for our lives
as we seek to follow the path you set before us. Amen.
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving for Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
God of ancient covenants,
who never breaks trust,
we thank you for baptismal waters
that pour out your steadfast love
for all creation.
Thank you for the salvation promise
you have kept.
In the name of Jesus,
the Living Water, we pray. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
Jesus offered up prayers and supplications,
with loud cries and tears,
to the one who was able to save him from death.
With the raw honesty of Jesus,
let us cry out in confession.
Lord Jesus Christ,
our betrayal, denial, and violence
paved the way to your cross.
We know it is preposterous,
in light of our cruelty,
to ask anything of you,
in light of your pain;
but we pray earnestly:
Have mercy on us,
for we cannot bear the weight of our sin.
Save us in your unfathomable love.
Lifting water from the font:
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have all turned to our own way,
and Christ has borne the iniquity of us all.
Through the grace of God,
we are freed from sin to walk in righteousness.
Believe the good news.
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
O Lord of light and salvation,
let these words of Scripture
live not only in our mouths,
but in our hearts,
that we will embody your truth
and confess with our lives
that Jesus is Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
The Word is near to us,
on our lips and in our hearts.
Romans 10:8
After the readings:
This is the Word of faith
that we proclaim.
Thanks be to God.
Romans 10:8
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
Let every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
Philippians 2:11
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
God’s reconciling act in Jesus Christ is a mystery
which the Scriptures describe in various ways.
It is called the sacrifice of a lamb,
a shepherd’s life given for his sheep,
atonement by a priest;
again it is ransom of a slave, payment of debt,
vicarious satisfaction of a legal penalty,
and victory over the powers of evil.
These are expressions of a truth
which remains beyond the reach of all theory
in the depths of God’s love for humankind.
They reveal the gravity, cost,
and sure achievement of God’s reconciling work.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.09
Prayers of Intercession
NOTE: In the service for Good Friday, the Prayers of Intercession may be replaced by the Solemn Intercession.
Let us have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus
as we pray for the world he came to save,
saying: Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the church . . .
Even in the shadow of the cross
help us to point to the good news
of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the world . . .
Draw all people closer to you
and closer to one another
through the outstretched arms of Christ our Lord.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for this community . . .
Be near to all who are in trouble this day.
Deliver them from danger
so that they may live to praise your name.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for loved ones . . .
Give wholeness and healing
by the grace of the suffering servant
who bears our afflictions and carries our diseases.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
As we pour out our hearts in prayer, O God,
lead us to pour out our lives in service to you—
ever seeking your will, ever following your way;
all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord’s Prayer
Solemn Reproaches of the Cross
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
NOTE: In the service for Good Friday, the Blessing and Charge may be omitted.
At the doors of the church:
May the Spirit of the triune God
strengthen and sustain you,
all throughout these forty days
and into the life that is to come. Amen.
Luke 4:1–2
Go in peace,
proclaiming the message of reconciliation
God has entrusted to us. Amen.
2 Corinthians 5:19
Lamentation over the Body of Christ
Dosso Dossi
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
Come Now, O Prince of Peace (OEG) O-SO-SO GTG 103, STF 2232
I Love the Lord (OEG) I LOVE THE LORD GTG 799, PH 362
To My Precious Lord (EG) TO MY PRECIOUS LORD GTG 704
There in God’s Garden (OEG) SHADES MOUNTAIN GTG 226
Our Darkness Is Never Darkness in Your Sight (OEG) LA TÉNÈBRE GTG 678
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (OEG) PASSION CHORALE GTG 221, PH 98
For All the Saints (OG) SINE NOMINE GTG 326, PH 526
On a Barren Hilltop (EG) KING’S WESTON GTG 217
Were You There (G) WERE YOU THERE GTG 228, PH 102
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 22
My God, Am I Forsaken? [SUFFERER]; PP 37 (with refrain), PCW 22a (as D)
Why, Lord, Have You Turned Aside? []; SGP 30
My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?; PAS 22A
Scripted Reading [WONDROUS LOVE]; PAS 22C, LUYH 165
My God, My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me?; PFTS2 12 (through-composed vv.), PAS 22D (pointed vv.)
Organ Music
“They Crucified My Lord,” SUFFERER, Augsburg Organ Library: Lent II, Barbara Harbach, AF (M)
“WERE YOU THERE,” Wondrous Image: Eight Hymn Impressions for Organ, Harold Stover, AF (M)
“HERZLIEBSTER JESU,” Eleven Chorale Preludes, Op. 122, Johannes Brahms, IMSLP.org (M)
“Upon the Cross Extended,” O WELT ICH MUS DICH LASSEN, Jubilate, vol. 3, Richard Proulx, CON (E)
Piano Music
“What Wondrous Love Is This?” WONDROUS LOVE, Impressions of Grace, David Angerman, SHAW (MA)
“Forsaken,” The Seven Last Sayings of Christ, R. Kevin Boesiger, LOR (M)
“Ah, Holy Jesus,” HERZLIEBSTER JESU, The Quiet Journey, Thomas Keesecker, MSM (ME)
Anthems for Adult Choirs
“Ave Verum,” Richard Robert Rossi, Musicspoke, SATB, acap (M)
“Drop, Drop Slow Tears,” Orlando Gibbons, public domain, SATB, acap (ME)
“O Sacred Head,” arr. Mary McDonald, BP, SATB, pno (ME)
“Behold the Lamb of God,” John A. Behnke, MSM, SAB, keybd (E)
“Lamb of God,” arr. F. Melius Christiansen, AF, SATB, acap (M)
“Ah, Holy Jesus,” arr. Donald McCullough, MSM, SATB, org (E)
“When Jesus Wept,” arr. Gwyneth Walker, ECS Publishing, SATB, pno, opt perc (M)
“There Is a Green Hill Far Away,” Deborah Govenor, BP, SATB, acap, opt solo (M)
Crucifixion, John August Swanson, 2016 (EYE)
Deep and Wide, Wayne Forte, 2016 (EYE)
John 19:30, Timothy R. Botts, 2016 (EYE)
Lamentation over the Body of Christ, Dosso Dossi, 1517–18 (PD) (National Gallery, London)
Peter’s Denial, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1660 (VDL)
When They Crucified Jesus, Cara B. Hochhalter, 2019 (VDL)
To Calvary, Frank Wesley, 1923–2002 (VDL)
Crucifixion, Charlie Mackesy, 2016 (VCS)