Lectionary Readings
Liturgy of the Palms
Luke 19:28–40
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt; the disciples praise God with joy.
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:4–9a
The Lord God helps me; who will declare me guilty?
Psalm 31:9–16
Be gracious, Lord; my enemies assail me; my life is in your hand.
Philippians 2:5–11
Seek the mind of Christ, who was humble, but exalted by God.
Luke 22:14—23:56
After the Passover meal, Jesus is betrayed, tried, and crucified.
or Luke 23:1–49
[abbreviated reading] Jesus is tried and crucified.
— Gathering —
Opening Sentences
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Let all who fear the Lord say,
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
The Lord has answered our prayer
and become our salvation.
God’s steadfast love endures forever!
Hosanna, hosanna!
Let us worship God!
Prayer of the Day
Righteous God, as we celebrate
Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem,
we know where the journey leads.
We give thanks that you would willingly give
so much of yourself
so that we might know hope,
and love, and salvation.
Glory be to you, O God, for your loving sacrifice.
In the days ahead,
as we witness the deep night of your death,
help us to remember your presence in its midst
and hope for the resurrection dawn to come. Amen.
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Thanksgiving for Baptism
At the baptismal font:
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
God of ancient covenants,
who never breaks trust,
we thank you for baptismal waters
that pour out your steadfast love
for all creation.
Thank you for the salvation promise
you have kept.
In the name of Jesus,
the Living Water, we pray. Amen.
Confession and Pardon
At the baptismal font:
We come with our praises,
yet we fall short of the glory of God.
Sin stains even our best intentions,
but God refuses to let sin have the last word.
With faith and hope, let us seek God’s forgiveness.
Triumphant God,
we join the crowds of the ages
in shouting your praises.
While our lips give you glory,
our lives seldom reflect your purposes.
We sing easily of your greatness,
but living faithfully is often beyond us.
We hear of your salvation,
yet sin is still close and real,
daily leading us away from you.
Have mercy on us.
Ride into our hearts with healing grace.
Forgive what we have done
and direct who we shall be.
Lord, save us. Hosanna!
Lifting water from the font:
He who rode into Jerusalem,
struggled on the cross,
and was sealed in a tomb
is risen from the dead!
Jesus Christ has defeated sin forever.
This is good news!
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!
— Word —
Prayer for Illumination
At the lectern or pulpit:
O Lord of light and salvation,
let these words of Scripture
live not only in our mouths,
but in our hearts,
that we will embody your truth
and confess with our lives
that Jesus is Lord. Amen.
Before the readings:
The Word is near to us,
on our lips and in our hearts.
Romans 10:8
After the readings:
This is the Word of faith
that we proclaim.
Thanks be to God.
Romans 10:8
Ascription of Praise
After the sermon:
Let every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
Philippians 2:11
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Affirmation of Faith
God’s reconciling act in Jesus Christ is a mystery
which the Scriptures describe in various ways.
It is called the sacrifice of a lamb,
a shepherd’s life given for his sheep,
atonement by a priest;
again it is ransom of a slave, payment of debt,
vicarious satisfaction of a legal penalty,
and victory over the powers of evil.
These are expressions of a truth
which remains beyond the reach of all theory
in the depths of God’s love for humankind.
They reveal the gravity, cost,
and sure achievement of God’s reconciling work.
Adapted from the Confession of 1967, 9.09
Prayers of Intercession
Let us have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus
as we pray for the world he came to save,
saying: Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the church . . .
On this day of triumph and tragedy
help us to bear witness
to the saving grace of our suffering Lord.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for the world . . .
Help the victims of violence in every land.
Give peace to those who live in fear
and dignity to those who are despised.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for this community . . .
Teach us the self-emptying way of Jesus Christ.
Humble the proud and lift up the lowly
until we know that all are equal in your sight.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
We pray for loved ones . . .
Be gracious to all who are in distress.
Hold their lives in your hand
and look upon them with healing.
Have mercy, O God; hear our prayer.
As we pour out our hearts in prayer, O God,
lead us to pour out our lives in service to you—
ever seeking your will, ever following your way;
all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
— Eucharist —
Invitation to Offering
At the communion table:
Through the grace of God,
we have gifts in abundance
and pour them out
like perfume from a flask,
not for our sakes,
but to worship the One who
lavishes love on the world.
Prayer of Dedication
At the communion table:
You have shown us, O God,
the sacrifice that you desire.
Now use these gifts—
and use our lives—
to liberate the oppressed,
to break the bonds of injustice,
to feed the hungry,
welcome the poor,
and unite the human family;
all in the name and for the sake
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Isaiah 58:6–7
Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you. And also with you.
Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God:
In our suffering and sorrow,
we trust in your saving power,
for you are good and gracious;
our lives are in your hands.
With you as our helper,
we will not be put to shame.
Therefore we praise you, joining the song
of the universal church and the heavenly choir:
A Sanctus (“Holy, holy, holy”) is sung.
Blessed is Jesus Christ, our Savior:
Betrayed and denied by those whom he loved,
Jesus surrendered himself to death—
death on a cross.
There he gave his life in love for the world.
The words of institution are included here.
Remembering your goodness and grace,
we offer ourselves to you with gratitude
as we share this joyful feast.
A Memorial Acclamation
(e.g., “Christ has died”) is sung.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup;
make us one in the body and blood
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
By your Spirit, let us share the mind of Christ,
who emptied himself, suffering shame and death,
so that all might know the fullness of your glory.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the unity of the Spirit,
we bless you, God of glory,
now and forever.
An Amen is sung.
Lord’s Prayer
Breaking the Bread
Communion of the People
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Prayer after Communion
At the communion table:
We give you thanks, Holy One,
for the body and blood of our Lord,
given with love for the world.
Send us out in your Spirit
to share the good news of salvation
and give ourselves for others;
in the name of Christ our Savior. Amen.
— Sending —
Hymn, Psalm, or Spiritual Song
Blessing and Charge
At the doors of the church:
May the Spirit of the triune God
strengthen and sustain you,
all throughout these forty days
and into the life that is to come. Amen.
Luke 4:1–2
Go in peace,
proclaiming the message of reconciliation
God has entrusted to us. Amen.
2 Corinthians 5:19

Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem
Additional Materials
Congregational Song
All Glory, Laud, and Honor (G) VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN GTG 196, PH 88
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (G) ELLACOMBE GTG 197, PH 89
Filled with Excitement (G) HOSANNA GTG 199
Rejected and Despised (OEG) CARDINAL GTG 222
A Stable Lamp is Lighted (EG) ANDUJAR GTG 160
A Cheering, Chanting, Dizzy Crowd (EG) CHRISTIAN LOVE GTG 200
My Song is Love Unknown (EG) LOVE UNKNOWN GTG 209, PH 76
Bread of Heaven, On Thee We Feed (G) ARFON GTG 496, PH 501
Jesus, Remember Me (G) REMEMBER ME GTG 227, PH 599
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (EG) PASSION CHORALE GTG 221, PH 98
Ride On! Ride On in Majesty! (EG) ST. DROSTANE / THE KING’S MAJESTY GTG 198, PH 90, 91
At the Name of Jesus (E) KING’S WESTON GTG 264, PH 148
Psalms and Canticles
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29
Este es el día / This Is the Day [ESTE ES EL DÍA]; GTG 391
This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made [NUN DANKET ALL’]; GTG 681, PH 230, PAS 118E
The Glorious Gates of Righteousness [ZERAH]; PAS 118A
Give Thanks to God for All His Goodness [RENDEZ À DIEU (GENEVAN 98/118)]; PAS 118H, LUYH 196
I Thank You, Lord, for You Are Good [ D with refrain]; SGP 174
Blessed, Yes, Blessed Is the One [PROMISED ONE]; PP 226
Hail and Hosanna!; PAS 118B, LUYH 147
This Is the Day the Lord Has Made; PAS 118G
Hosanna in the Highest [VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN]; HTP1 110
Fling Wide the Gates; PSA 118
Psalm 31:9–16
You Are My Refuge, Faithful God [MORNING SONG/CONSOLATION]; GTG 214
Be Gracious to Me, O My Lord [CMD]; SGP 49, setting 2
Be Gracious, Lord, for I, in Anguish [WAYFARING STRANGER]; PCW 31b, PP 58 (with refrain), PCW 31b (as
I Give My Spirit; PAS 31A
Haz resplandecer / Make Your Face to Shine upon Your Servant [GLÀUCIA]; GTG 811, PAS 31D
My Times Are in Your Hands [MARGARET]; PAS 31C, LUYH 458
Organ Music
“Fantasia super ‘Valet will ich dir geben.’” BWV 735, Johann Sebastian Bach, various editions, IMSLP.org (M)
“Valet will ich dir geben,” Ten Organ Chorales in the Schübler Tradition, J. S. Bach, ed. Marilyn Biery, AF (MA)
“Herzlich tut mich verlangen,” PASSION CHORALE, Eleven Chorale Preludes, Op. 122, Johannes Brahms, IMSLP.org (M)
“WONDROUS LOVE,” Six Meditations on American Folk Hymns, Charles Callahan, CON (E)
Piano Music
“All Glory, Laud, and Honor, with Hosanna, Loud Hosanna,” ST. THEODULPH / ELLACOMBE, God So Loved, Faye Lopez, Lillenas Publishing (M)
“Ride On, King Jesus,” RIDE ON, KING JESUS, The Church Pianist’s Library, vol. 28, Gina Sprunger, LOR (MA)
“In the Name of the Lord,” IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, Seasonal Sunday Solos for Piano, HAL (M)
Anthems for Adult Choirs
“Fanfare for Palm Sunday,” arr. Mary Mcdonald, HAL, SATB, keybd, opt tpt, opt hb, opt children or solo (M)
“Savior, King!” Katie Houts, CGA, uni, pno, opt hb (E)
“Palm Sunday,” Carlton Young, HOPE, SATB, keybd, opt children, opt Orff inst (E)
“Lift High the Palms!” Joseph M. Martin, JM, SATB, keybd (ME)
“Wondrous Love,” arr. Alice Parker and Robert Shaw, Lawson-Gould, SATB, acap (M)
“Were You There?” arr. Patrick Dupre Quigley, WAL, SATB, solo, pno (M)
“God So Loved the World,” Bob Chilcott, OUP, SATB, sop solo, acap (MA)
“I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,” arr. Molly Ijames, Celebrating Grace, SATB, keybd, opt fl, opt vln (ME)
Crucifixion, from “Passion” (text by André Suarès), Georges Rouault, 1939 (VCS)
Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, Wilhelm Morgner, 1912 (VDL)
Entry into the City, John August Swanson, 1990 (VDL)
The King, P. Solomon Raj, 2016 (EYE)
(Ivory) Plaque with Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem, Ottonian, 900–925 (MET)
Christ’s Blood Fulfills the Law, Wayne Forte, 2016 (EYE)