Introduction to the Lectionary Companion – 57.1
Sally Ann McKinseyYear B (2023–2024)Worship planning and practice is inherently interdisciplinary. Music invites theological exploration, theology informs language and liturgy, liturgy becomes action, and action makes art. Singers and preachers alike use the voice to...
The Season of Advent – 57.1
These liturgical texts and music suggestions are appropriate for use throughout the Season of Advent and may be repeated from week to week.Confession and Lament Sequence Together let us confess our sin and lament the waysin which we have been separated from God,...
December 3, 2023 – First Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 64:1–9 Tear open the heavens and come down; save us from our sin. Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 Restore us, O God; let your face shine, and save us. 1 Corinthians 1:3–9 God will strengthen you while you wait for Christ’s coming. Mark 13:24–37 In those days the stars will fall from heaven; keep awake.
December 10, 2023 – Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 40:1–11 Comfort my people; a voice cries: prepare the way of the Lord! Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13 God will speak peace; faithfulness and righteousness will meet. 2 Peter 3:8–15a God is patient with us, but the day of the Lord is coming. Mark 1:1–8 In the wilderness, John baptizes and proclaims the one to come.
December 17, 2023 – Third Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11 The spirit of the Lord is upon me; I will rejoice in my Savior. Psalm 126 When the Lord restored our fortunes, we shouted with joy. or Luke 1:46b–55 My soul magnifies the Lord, who has done great things. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 Rejoice, pray, give thanks; may God keep you until Christ’s coming. John 1:6–8, 19–28 John came to testify to the light, so that all might believe.
December 24, 2023 – Fourth Sunday of Advent
2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16 The Lord will build a house for David and his descendants. Luke 1:46b–55 My soul magnifies the Lord, who has done great things. or Psalm 89:1–4, 19–26 I will sing of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness to David. Romans 16:25–27 Glory to God for the mystery now revealed to all peoples! Luke 1:26–38 The angel Gabriel appears to Mary; her child will be God’s Son.
The Season of Christmas – 57.1
These liturgical texts and music suggestions are appropriate for use throughout the Season of Christmas and may be repeated from week to week.Confession and Lament Sequence A new neighbor has arrived,but we are too insulated to greet them.A new neighbor has come to...
December 24, 2023 – Nativity of the Lord / Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2–7 Light shines on people in darkness; a child has been born for us. Psalm 96 Sing a new song to the Lord, all the earth; declare God’s glory. Titus 2:11–14 The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all. Luke 2:1–14 (15–20) Jesus is born in Bethlehem; angels tell shepherds the good news.
December 25, 2023 – Nativity of the Lord / Christmas Day (Dawn)
Isaiah 62:6–12 Salvation comes; Jerusalem is restored; the people are redeemed. Psalm 97 The Lord reigns over all the earth; light dawns for the righteous. Titus 3:4–7 We are justified by the grace of Christ, reborn in the Holy Spirit. Luke 2:(1–7) 8–20 To you is born this day a Savior, the Messiah, the Lord.